Connect with Matt:

Matt Edens

Director of Search Marketing

A former marketing executive (and a data nerd at heart), Matt is a search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) expert energized by the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

An affable and organization-focused team member, Matt is grateful for the opportunity to work for one of the nation’s leading industrial and B2B marketing agencies. He joined Knowmad in March of 2023, and has since come to deeply appreciate the diverse talent and exceptional skills of his coworkers; some of the most incredibly gifted and hardest working digital marketers in the US.

Matt is the proud father of an exceptionally intelligent and hilarious daughter (Ashlyn), and is engaged to an amazingly smart, funny, hardworking, and beautiful woman (Rachael) who can succinctly be described as being "way, way outside his league".