
the workCFO Enables a Global Sales Team to Shine Using HubSpot Sales Pro, Improved Messaging & a New Website



PROFIT INSIGHT is a global consulting firm that helps financial institutions reduce costs, grow revenue, and increase their bottom line. They work closely with C-Suite executives at banks, credit unions, and credit card companies, to help them identify and implement opportunities for profit growth in their businesses. 

Due to the nature of their industry and very long client sales cycles, most of this company’s new business comes from the sales team developing and maintaining relationships.

The challenge

They wanted a beautiful website to project their expertise clearly and act as the backbone of a well-rounded, lead generating marketing machine that supports the sales team.

The problem was that their existing website was antiquated and their messaging was complicated and confusing, rendering the website nearly useless in sales .

The company’s CFO, Darla, realized that with no in-house marketing team, PROFIT INSIGHT’s website had become neglected and visually outdated - there was little to no clarity or unifying purpose to the content. In a highly professional financial world, their website failed to exude the professionalism and expertise that was inherent to their brand.

The site and its content were confusing and cluttered, which made the sales process more challenging. Neither Darla nor the sales team felt confident in the effectiveness of their online material, so they had to rely solely on their own words to win new clients.

The solution

Like many complex B2B companies, PROFIT INSIGHT wasn’t quite sure where to start.

First, we chatted virtually with Darla and the rest of the company’s executive team to better understand their pain points and goals. We identified 3 main objectives for our work together that would set the sales team up for greater success:


Simplifying a Complex Message

The first step of our work together was to help the company communicate more clearly why it matters to its ideal customers .

The very nature of their business is complex, with intricate product offerings and long sales cycles, so it’s no surprise that clarity felt so elusive to PROFIT INSIGHT. Tackling this task alone would have been extremely difficult for PROFIT INSIGHT because, with no marketing team, they didn’t have anyone to take charge of thought leadership on messaging.

But we knew they must be able to clearly communicate value to their audience, otherwise the website content would continue to be ineffective. We walked PROFIT INSIGHT through a proven storytelling formula, to help them find a clear, effective voice that would resonate with their audience.

Now, the copy on the new website helps prospects quickly understand what PROFIT INSIGHT does, how they solve client problems, and how to get started.

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Full Website Redesign

With no visual components to their brand except a logo, we helped them create a style guide to unify the brand’s visual appearance online. This groundwork guided the design process as we built a completely custom HubSpot website for PROFIT INSIGHT, including thought leadership articles and case studies to support prospects and the sales team.


We also incorporated an interactive map to demonstrate the global aspect of their brand.


Now, the team at PROFIT INSIGHT is proud to lead prospects to their website. A polished site now reflects the professionalism and expertise of the brand, adding more credibility to the brand’s image and giving the team more confidence.



HubSpot Integration

After we worked closely with PROFIT INSIGHT to integrate HubSpot, they quickly began importing contacts, publishing blog content, and sharing valuable content with clients and prospects alike via email. The HubSpot CRM has proven to be a valuable tool for the sales team that helps move prospects through the pipeline, while email marketing has helped them stay more connected with both clients and prospects.

As an extension of their team, we were able to help alleviate their sales process challenges with the integration of HubSpot.

We 100% endorse Knowmad. Every team member across the globe is very happy with our new website! Before working with Knowmad, our global sales team had little help from marketing. Now that our website has been redone with clearer language, new case studies, and program guides, our team feels like they have a valuable toolkit to engage new prospects with.


Building a firm foundation.

Profit Insight chose to invest to support sales during a time of high uncertainty. From beginning to end, our work with PROFIT INSIGHT was completed during the global pandemic. While others were tightening their budgets, PROFIT INSIGHT chose to invest in their sales team by implementing sales enablement tools, clarifying brand messaging and launching a website that accurately represents the company. Now Profit Insight has a solid sales & marketing foundation that is helping them attract qualified leads, positioning the firm for success in 2021 and beyond.

Upon reviewing the project a few weeks post-launch, we noticed the sales team increased referral visits from Linkedin by +300% and the number of contacts, emails and activity in the CRM had grown significantly. 

The activity of PROFIT INSIGHT’s sales team in HubSpot Pro and use of the new website in sales outreach shows that the sales team is empowered by the decision to invest in their business. As a result, they are generating more awareness and interest, even in a time of high uncertainty.

Knowmad’s mission is to help businesses generate more sales opportunities online. Our work on this project shows that confidence in three things: online appearance, clear messaging, and a HubSpot marketing toolbox, is exactly what PROFIT INSIGHT’s successful, highly motivated sales team needs to get more opportunities and reach new heights.