know edgeHow Should You Respond to Google’s Recent Core Algorithm Update?

Diona Kidd

It’s that time again. Google has officially rolled out another core update, causing yet another upheaval in the world of digital marketing. The most recent core update was released this past March and it has businesses wondering how it’s going to affect their online performance – both today and in the long term.

Businesses who are invested in building visibility online are likely already familiar with Google’s penchant for mixing things up and keeping everyone on their toes. Google updates their algorithm hundreds of times a year, but for the most part these updates go unnoticed by businesses online. The difference with the March 2019 core update is that it is causing some noticeable disruption in search engine marketing. Here’s what you need to know about Google’s recent core update and if, when and how to react to the changes.

What Is the March 2019 Core Algorithm Update?

Like any smart business, Google is continually looking for ways to enhance the service they provide to their customers – in this case, the billions of people that use the search engine every single day. Over the past few years, the expectations and demands of search engine users have changed dramatically, and like the rest of us, Google has had to keep up with the changes.

From Google’s perspective, this means improving the way they interpret search engine queries and providing relevant, high-quality results for their search engine users. This is the primary focus of the March 2019 core algorithm update.

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Let’s take another look at that last paragraph. This update is about how Google interprets search queries and how Google plans to place the most relevant entries in search engine results. There really isn’t anything here about how businesses can and should be adapting to the changes.

And this is where the problem lies. This recent core algorithm update seems to be a little elusive. In the past, Google’s updates have been clearer on what needs to be done. For instance, when they officially launched mobile indexing or when mobile speed started playing a significant role in search engine optimization.

Because this algorithm update isn’t so cut and dry, businesses aren’t sure if or how they should react. Is it necessary to do anything to stay ahead of this update or is it best to sit back and take a wait and see approach?

Responding to the Core Algorithm Update

Most businesses aren’t significantly impacted by Google’s minor algorithm updates throughout the year. When it concerns a major algorithm update, it’s a different story entirely. Many businesses, across all industries, will either be positively or negatively affected by the core update. Because of this, it’s important to understand what Google is really looking to accomplish here.

To enhance their user experience, Google is committed to providing their users with results that have meet their high standards for expertise, authority and trustworthiness. Some in the marketing industry refer to the combination of these factors as a business’s E.A.T ranking.

Another buzz-worthy acronym that has become associated with this update is YMYL, which stands for Your Money or Your Life. Sounds pretty serious, but Google uses this acronym to describe web pages that have the potential to impact the health, financial wellness and overall happiness of search engine users. If you’re building web pages or creating content that could be considered YMYL, you better make sure that you have real authority and honest intent backing them up.

So, considering the importance of YMYL and EAT rankings, how should businesses adapt to the algorithm change? The best answer is to be the best version of yourself and invest your energy into creating quality content that establishes expertise, authority and trustworthiness.

Content Strategies for Google’s Core Algorithm Update

Since content is a primary delivery vehicle for your SEO strategy, understanding how to adapt it to succeed with the recent core update is key. For starters, businesses in certain industries can begin by identifying YMYL content and pages and making sure they meet Google’s expectations for superior content.

Businesses who are going to be the most affected by all the attention on YMYL content are typically those in the financial, medical or legal industries. Businesses that provide products or services that require a significant monetary investment might also be affected, regardless of their industry.

For instance, pages that offer financial information, including investment or tax advice would be considered YMYL content. Pages that offer medical information and legal information are also likely to undergo a higher degree of scrutiny. The last thing Google wants on their shoulders is the responsibility of contributing to the medical or financial downfall of their users.

From a content creation standpoint, it’s time to invest in quality – if you haven’t already. The focus with your content strategy should be to go deep and provide your audience with enough meaty content to really sink their teeth into. The industry has been saying for quite some time that producing content just for the sake of putting something out there is a poor strategy. With the recent algorithm update, businesses simply can’t afford to take any chances with weak, watery content.

It’s also important to continue to build trust and authenticity for your businesses online. This includes staying focused on reputation management and including elements that help visitors recognize you as a valid business – such as making it easy for them to contact you and having a fully functional, optimized website.
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Preparing for the Future with a Charlotte SEO Agency

We’re only just beginning to see how businesses are going to be affected by Google’s recent core update. If you’d like to know more about navigating the changes, Knowmad is the SEO company in Charlotte that can help. As experts in everything SEO, we know how to achieve the results that Google is looking for. Contact Knowmad, a Charlotte SEO firm you can trust, and power up your digital performance today.


Diona Kidd

As Head of Operations, Diona focuses on building Knowmad into a more valuable business by creating clarity around what we sell, how we sell it, and how we fulfill our promises to clients.


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