know edgeHow Long Does It Take to See Results from Inbound Marketing?

Diona Kidd

Inbound marketing has forever changed the way businesses market themselves. With outbound marketing strategies, results are almost instantaneous. The consumer either reacts positively to your message or they don’t. The decision is often made on the spot. Inbound marketing is different.

The Million Dollar Question: How Long Does It Take?

Is there a single answer to this question?

Unfortunately, no. We would love to give you a concrete figure, but we can’t. The time it takes to see results depends on factors individual to your business and your marketing strategy. With the right inbound marketing agency behind you, those results will roll in sooner than you think.

  • 92.34 % of companies that use inbound marketing increased their traffic
  • 92.7 % of companies that use inbound marketing increased their lead generation
  • 83.9 % of companies achieved this in as few as 7 months!

The First Six Months

Compared to outbound marketing, inbound is a slow, steady burn. It takes a little time to get where you’re going, generate leads, and grow your customer base. The most important, and hardest, work comes in the first six months of your inbound marketing campaign.

Knowmad Inbound Marketing Examples

Phase 1: Months 1-2

The first 60 days of your inbound marketing plan should be centered around discovering and defining your target audience. This is where you learn who your customers are and what motivates them.

Every element of your marketing strategy will be built on the information gained in these early days.

● Where can your market be found? Each platform has its own demographics, it is key to know where your customers are.

● What target keywords motivate your market? How do they search? What keywords do they use? How do they get results?

● What content do they want to see? This is big. You can create quality content, but if it doesn’t engage your target market, your campaign is dead in the water.

● How can your current customer base help you increase lead generation?

Phase 2: Months 3-4

This is when the magic begins to happen. The hard work put into increasing your social media presence, blogging. and driving organic traffic is beginning to pay off.

This is also the time when your inbound marketing agency is tweaking your campaign. With a better idea of what does and doesn’t work for your business, this is the point when small changes can really drive traffic and sales.

Is revenue rolling in at lightning speeds? Probably not yet, but you are noticing how the increase in traffic is generating new sales.

Phase 3: Months 5-6

Here is where you get the concrete figures that will influence your inbound marketing strategies. You will have solid picture of how your site and assets performed before and after the inbound marketing campaign. This information, with the guidance of your inbound marketing agency, will help you build a strategy to continue growing your business in ways you never thought possible.

83.9 % saw results from inbound marketing in seven months. We are positive your business can be part of that number. Get in touch today and let’s get started on marketing your business into the best it can be.

Knowmad Inbound Marketing Examples


Diona Kidd

As Head of Operations, Diona focuses on building Knowmad into a more valuable business by creating clarity around what we sell, how we sell it, and how we fulfill our promises to clients.


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