Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is SEO?

SEO describes many processes and techniques used to optimize content for search engine visiblity. SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from "free", "organic" or "natural search" results on search engines.

SEO includes keyword/phrase research to discover phrases that people use to search for a product/service or solution. It also includes the optimization of pages for these phrases and link development.

Link development is an important part of SEO. Link development refers to the process of reaching out to other websites to acquire inbound links, which helps to increase ranking in search engine result pages by creating more credibility for the link recipient.

SEO Articles

4 Tips for Solving Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is exactly what you would think it is: content duplicated across a website or elsewhere on the Internet. Even if you are careful about creating new and unique content, your website might be suffering from duplicate content and not even know it. This article will demonstrate how to identify and remedy duplicate content so that you can easily avoid the potential negative impacts...

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Today's SEO: An Opportunity for Alignment

Many in the SEO industry (and their clients) were taken by storm with Google's latest algorithm change, Penguin. This update targeted websites that were found to be engaging in so-called "black hat" SEO practices, specifically certain forms of link-building. Many sites have been penalized by the algorithm change, drastically reducing traffic from search engines, and in many cases, the revenue...

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Do Facebook 'Likes' Increase Search Rankings?

"If more people like my business on Facebook, will my website rank better?" This question has been posed to me a few times very recently, so I became curious and decided to do a little research.

Lately, I hear often about businesses trying to get 'liked' more on Facebook to improve search rankings. I've been skeptical of this idea since I first heard it.

As SEO professionals, we know that inbound...

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